Archived Letters
Saturday, May 4, 2024

Dear Perfect Word Bride,

We’re just waiting for the Coming of the Lord. Keeping our lamps trimmed, filled full of Oil, hearing the revealed Word day and night. Praying up, every hour; not every day, every hour. We’re just keeping ourselves ready by staying in, and believing, EVERY WORD.

We’re looking, every moment, for those who are sleeping in the dust of the earth to be awakened first. In an instant, we’ll see them; dads, mothers, husbands, wives, brothers and sisters. There they are, standing right before us. We’ll know in that instant, we’ve arrived, the time has come. Rapturing Faith will fill our souls, minds and bodies. Then these corruptible bodies will put on incorruption in the rapturing Grace of the Lord.

And then we’ll begin to get together. We which are alive and remain shall be changed. These mortal bodies will not see death. All of the sudden, there’ll be like a sweep go over us…we’ll be changed. From an old man to a young man, from an old woman to a young woman.

After a while, we’ll be traveling like a thought with those who are already resurrected. THEN…GLORY…we’ll be caught up with them to meet the Lord in the air.

What a time that is coming for us. The enemy TRIES to keep us beaten down, depressed, and discouraged, but glory to God, he can’t. We have THE Revelation of Who He is; who He sent to call us out; who we are, not who we’re going to be, WHO WE ARE. NOW It’s anchored in our SOUL, MIND AND SPIRIT, and there is nothing that can take that from us. How do we know? God said so!

This isn’t our home, it’s all yours, Satan, you can have it. We don’t want no part of it and we don’t need it any more. We have a Future Home that has been built for us. And by the way, devil, we’ve got notice, IT’S READY. Construction is completed. The finishing touches are all in place. And I’ve got some more news for you, VERY SOON, He’s coming to get us so we can have 1000 years of uninterrupted Honeymoon with Him, and you’re not invited, and you won’t be there.

What glorious things this Message reveals to us each time we Press Play. God Himself came down, and spoke through human lips so He could tell us all these things. He chose us and gave us the true and FULL Revelation of Himself.

He was the Word made flesh, not the Word for the day of Moses, Moses was that day, Word; not the Word for the days of Noah, Noah was the Word for that day; not the day…the Word for the day of Elijah, Elijah was that Word for that day; but He was the present tense Word, and they were living in the back.

Are you ready?….Here it comes. It’s a double barrel and heavy load, and we love It so much!!

The same thing repeats! That’s the evidence of the Holy Ghost, when God reveals to you and you see it, THUS SAITH THE LORD and accept it. Not what you are, what you was, or nothing about it, it’s what God has done for you now. There’s the evidence.

Hallelujah, He drove the nail in. NOW let’s hear Him clench It.

He give us the evidence of the Holy Ghost, John 14. He said, “I have many things to tell you. I haven’t got time to do it, but when the Holy Ghost comes, He will tell you, bring to your memory the things that I told you about, and will also show you things that is to come.” Don’t you see? There’s the evidence. That’s forthtelling and being...having the Divine Interpretation of the written Word. Now, isn’t that the evidence of a prophet?

The Holy Ghost is the prophet of every age. He is the prophet of our age. The Word ONLY comes to that prophet. It is God speaking and revealing Himself through His prophet. He is the Word for the day. This Message, ON TAPE, is the perfect interpretation of the Word, with Divine vindication.

“When that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away with.” So all these little things of jumping up and down like a kid, trying to talk in tongues, and all these other things, when that which is perfect...And we do have today, by God’s help, the perfect interpretation of the Word with Divine vindication! Then that which is in part is done away with. “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child; but when I become a man, I put away childish things.” Amen!

That which is perfect has come; the perfect interpretation of the Word. PRESS PLAY. That is all His Bride needs, and all She wants.

Come and Press Play with us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, and hear the PERFECT WORD, WITH A PERFECT INTERPRETATION, WITH DIVINE VINDICATION as we hear:

Questions And Answers #2 - 64-0823E

Bro. Joseph Branham



Saturday, April 27, 2024

Dear Tape Listeners,

I just can’t say it enough, there is NOTHING greater than hearing the Voice of God speak to us through His vindicated angel messenger for our day. Revelation after Revelation the Lord is revealing to us. There is no end to It. Each Message is like we’ve never heard It before. It is the Living Word, Fresh Manna, God’s Stored Up Food for His Bride, and all we have to do is PRESS PLAY.

We hear all about OUR soon coming Rapture. We’re going…GLORY, WE’RE GOING to the Wedding Supper. He predestinated US to be There by His foreknowledge, and there’s nothing going to stop it. The Word here unites with the person, and they two become One. It manifests the Son of man. The Word and the Church become One. Whatever the Son of man done, He was the Word, the Church does the same thing.

Before I go on, you might want to read that again!! How can we let the devil get us down? Listen to what we are looking forward to. Listen to who we are. Listen to what is taking place NOW.

Where are we going? To OUR Wedding Supper that we’ve been predestinated to by His foreknowledge, where WE, His Word and Church, become ONE WITH HIM, and whatever the Son of Man done, WE DO THE SAME!!

Then we heard all about OUR Future Home. The Divine Architect has designed OUR New City, where He will live with US, His Bride. He’s built It and has put every little thing just exactly to OUR touch; just what WE would like. Where there will be no need for a light, for the Lamb will be our Light. Where the prophet will live next door to us; he’ll be our neighbor. We’ll eat of those trees, we’ll walk up those streets of gold to the fountain and drink. We’ll be walking in the paradises of God, with Angels hovering over the earth, singing the anthems. Glory! Hallelujah!

Proving His Word to us; He, the Pillar of Fire, had His picture taken with His angel messenger to prove and say to the world, “Hear Ye Him.” We must not doubt one Word, for It is not the prophet’s word, It’s God’s Word spoken to His Bride. Then He told us, we have representation from predestination, assuring us. He don’t see us, He just hears our voice through the Blood of Jesus. We are perfect in His eyes.

The deep is calling to the deep like never before, and Father is filling us up with His revealed Word. Everything we need to know has been recorded and given to US. There is simply no end to this Living Word Message. There is nothing greater than to know WE are His Bride. The assurance in knowing that hearing that Voice, Pressing Play, is the perfect Will of the Lord; His program He has provided.

There is so much more to come! It is the inexhaustible Word of Living Water for His Bride. We have never been thirstier in all of our lives, but we have never been so refreshed as we drink and drink all we want.

Each Sunday, the Bride gets so excited to be gathered with a portion of the Bride from around the world, to hear what He is going to reveal next. He told us if we can’t come here at the Tabernacle, get to some church somewhere; go to it.

We can’t all be gathered together at the prophet’s home base; his headquarters where he was set up at, but we can turn our churches, or our Homes into churches, where we place him in the pulpit. Where we can be fed the PERFECT WORD JUST AS IT WAS REVEALED.

There is no greater gathering, no greater anointing, no greater place to be than to be sitting together in Heavenly places, listening to the Voice of God.

I invite you to come hear God's vindicated Voice with us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as He speaks to us once again through His angel messenger, and answers all the questions we have on our hearts, and assures us that we are His Bride.

Bro. Joseph Branham


Sunday’s Message: Questions And Answers #1 64-0823M



Saturday, April 20, 2024

Dear Bride-Church,

The Son of man has come and revealed Himself in human flesh to His Bride. He’s said It, we believe It, and He’s proved It. We are His Bride-Church that have made ourselves ready by listening and believing every Word that proceeded out of His mouth.

There will be a resurrection of the dead. He’ll prove it. There’ll be a Rapture of the Church. He’ll prove it. There’ll be a Millennium. He’ll prove it. There’ll be a new Heavens and a new earth. He’ll prove it, because His Word said so.

We will be the ones that will be There. He’ll prove it. We are the ones that have been made part of this Word. He predestinated US to be There. There’s going to be a Rapture by His foreknowledge and there’s nothing going to stop it, we’re going to be There!

Satan has tried for a long time to get the people to doubt just one Word that was spoken. Don’t you do that. Just believe every Word. You must believe every Word to be There. It’s not the prophet’s word, It’s God’s Word that has been recorded and stored on the Tapes.

The high priest, the bishop, the cardinal, the pastor? “God! Every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” How do we know it’s God’s Word? He says so, then He proves It. He proves His Word.

You MUST believe every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. He has proved It is His Word on the Tapes. He has proved that William Marrion Branham is His seventh angel messenger; the Voice of God for our day. All who do not believe the Message and the messenger will perish.

Now, I’m not just exactly talking to this audience. This is taped, you see, and It goes all over the world. Do you understand, people of the world, that one Word, one Word, not one sentence, not one paragraph, one Word, that’s all Eve disbelieved.

He is the Word, and we were part of His Word. That’s the reason we are here, to confirm our place in life. To believe every Word. To stay with the Word. To point the Bride to every Word that is on the Tapes.

In our day, the Son of man has been revealed. He HAS joined the Church to the Head; united the marriage of the Bride. The Bridegroom call has come. The Son of man has come in human flesh to unite the two together. He is the Word. We are His Word, and the two unites together.

It’ll take the manifestation of the revealing of the Son of man… Not a clergyman…Jesus Christ, will come down in human flesh among us, and will make His Word so real that it’ll unite the Church and Him as one, the Bride, and then go Home to the Wedding Supper. Amen.

The manifestation of the Word will unite the Bride. It manifests the Son of man again, not the church theologians. The Son of man! The Word and the Church becomes one. Whatever the Son of man done was the Word. We, His Bride, will do the same thing.

We are united by the Holy Spirit, His Word, His Voice, and are fixing to go to the Wedding Supper. The Word has united us, and the two become ONE.

We say THE TAPES, THE TAPES, THE TAPES. You must play the Tapes in your homes, in your churches. We’re criticized for placing so much emphasis on playing the Tapes. Why do we say such? Who is speaking to US on the Tapes?

Now, remember, that was not Jesus talking to Abraham there, that could discern the thoughts in Sarah’s mind behind Him. That was not Jesus, He had not yet been born. But it was a Man in human flesh, that Abraham called “Elohim, the great Almighty.”

If you believe that the Son of man has been revealed in our day; God speaking through human lips, how could anyone not see the importance of placing that Voice as the MOST IMPORTANT VOICE YOU MUST HEAR?

I’m not criticizing others that don’t see and believe what we believe; they are our brothers and sisters, but I am SO SATISFIED, SO FULL, SO ASSURED this is God’s provided way for His Bride. I can do no other. For me and my house, Press Play is the ONLY WAY.

I once again invite the world to come and unite with us Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear: Proving His Word 64-0816.

Bro. Joseph Branham


Scriptures to read before service:

St. Matthew 24:24
St. Mark 5:21-43 / 16:15
St. Luke 17:30 / 24:49
St. John 1:1 / 5:19 / 14:12
Romans 4:20-22
I Thessalonians 5:21
Hebrews 4:12-16 / 6:4-6 /13:8
I Kings 10:1-3
Joel 2:28
Isaiah 9:6
Malachi 4



Saturday, April 13, 2024

Dear Salt Of The Earth,

Oh dear Bride, what a time we are having, sitting together in Heavenly places, in the presence of the Word, maturing, recognizing who we are, where we come from, and where we are going.

To know, from the depths of our hearts, we are NOW sons and daughters of God. Not we will be, we are NOW. We are the attributes of God’s thinking.

When Satan attacks us, and tries to show us our mistakes, our past, and our daily failures; when he tries to break us down in our mind and spirit with his lies, we just remind him and tell him, “God, from the foundation of the world, foresaw me; that’s right Satan, ME, and He sent Jesus to redeem ME.” WHACK!

“Now Satan, leave me, for the Blood of His Son speaks for ME. I can’t sin. My mistakes, yes, my many mistakes, can’t even be seen by God. The only thing He hears is MY voice worshiping and praising Him, and the only thing He sees is MY representation.”

Our representation is gathering us from the east and west, north and south, uniting us under the Word He has provided for His Bride on tape. It is the only thing He will honor; for It is His provided Way.

What is He going to tell and reveal to us next? We’ve heard Him speak through His prophet so many times and tell us about what our new Home will be like, but this time it’s going to be like we’ve never heard anything about It before.

The Divine Architect has designed this for His Beloved. See? Oh, what a place it must be, when, Divine Nature, a Divine Architect has designed it for a Divine attribute that’s been Divinely predestinated by a Divine God Who—Who is the Author of Divine Life! What will that City look like! Think of it.

We can’t hardly contain ourselves. Our excitement and anticipation is at a peak. Our hearts race to hear God speak directly to us and tell us He is now making and designing our new Home so we can live throughout Eternity with Him.

What else will we hear, and what will be revealed to us Sunday, as He tells us all about Predestination, Representation, Dispensation, Eighth Day, Holy Mountain, Pyramids, and Holy Convocation?

Can we wrap our minds around what is taking place right now? God is gathering His Bride from around the world so He can tell us what our new Home will be like. He’s going to tell us down to every little detail. What a glorious time we will have.

On the other hand, our battles have never been harder. Satan is pounding at us like never before. His attacks never seem to lighten up or go away.

But GLORY to God, our FAITH in His Word has never been higher. Our FAITH in knowing who we are is anchored so deep in our Soul, that we cannot be shaken.

We have NOTHING to fear; NOTHING to worry about. Father is in complete charge of us. He guides and directs our EVERY FOOTSTEP. He holds us in the palm of His Hand. Satan is just a bluff whose end is near, and he knows it. He is the one that is scared, he knows he is dealing with God’s Spoken Word Bride and he is defeated every time.

We ARE THE WORD. We were in Him from the beginning. We’re not going to be someday, WE ARE NOW. If we are the Word, then we can SPEAK THE WORD, IF WE’LL ONLY BELIEVE...AND WE BELIEVE.

You’re either a believer (THE WORD) or you’re a doubter (NOT THE WORD). There is not one fiber in our body that disbelieves one Word. There you are! We just proved to Satan: we are the Word. We might be the skin on the bottom of the foot, BUT WE’RE STILL PART OF THE BODY!!!

So when that liar comes after one of us, the Bride comes together from around the world and we WHACK HIM AND WHACK HIM with the Word.

When sickness comes on one of us, we unite together and WHACK HIM! When one of us gets to feeling low and down, what do we all do? WHACK HIM!

We’re going Home, Bride. The time has come. The Bride has made Herself ready. We’re in the Ark. He has closed the door and we are safely inside. We can hear the music for the Bride to come walking down the aisle to be united with the Bridegroom.

We will be on our honeymoon for 1000 years, then we’ll go with each other and Him to our Future Home.

Don’t miss it, friends. There is only one way that has been provided and vindicated by God: The TAPES. It is the Pillar of Fire speaking and leading His Bride.

Whatever you do, place that Voice before you and your family this Sunday. Faith cometh by hearing, hearing the Word, and the Word comes to the prophet. The Holy Spirit is the Prophet for our day speaking to His Bride by the Tapes.

You are welcome to join us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as a portion of the Bride will be united together listening, all at the same time, to God speak through His mighty angel and tell us all about: The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride 64-0802.

Bro. Joseph Branham



Saturday, April 6, 2024

Dear Artesian Well Drinkers,

The Bride will never be the same after the Red Letter Easter weekend the Lord has given to us. We were shut in with Him, communing and worshiping Him all weekend. His presence filled our homes and our churches.

We were under such great expectations. We knew this was the Lord’s Will for us. God was fixing to do something. We shut out the world and all its distractions. We united from around the world in one accord. We were sitting together in heavenly places, preparing ourselves as He would TALK WITH US along the way.

Our hearts were crying out, “Lord, make me more like You. Prepare me for Your soon coming. Give me more Revelation. May Your Holy Spirit fill every fiber of my being.”

As each service began, we said within ourselves, “How can it be? I have heard these Messages all my life, but now they all seem new, as if I have never heard them before." He was revealing His Word to our hearts and souls like never before.

The overwhelming Revelation come again into our hearts... It is Him...HIM. It is the Holy Spirit Himself SPEAKING DIRECTLY TO US.

Not me! Him! He’s the One! I just told you, He just took my body. He just takes my tongue, takes my eyes, because He knowed I’d yield it to Him, so He just come and made me to do that. So it’s not me! It’s Him! And not me out there with you, it’s Him out there with you. He’s the Resurrection and Life. Oh, God, God; believe it. Oh, people: Believe Him. Believe Him. He’s here.

He has given us the Revelation to know THE TAPES are the Voice of God speaking to us today. They are His Words, His Voice...HIS VOICE, recorded and STORED UP so we can HEAR HIM speak to us the Words of Eternal Life. They are His provided way for His Bride.

It is fresh, clean, Artesian Water bubbling and bubbling up. The more we drank, the more we cried out, “More Lord, MORE. Fill my cup Lord, fill it up Lord”. And He did! The more we drink, the MORE HE GIVES US.

Then Satan was pronounced defeated by the power of the Gospel. By the God of Heaven Who ordained and sent His angel to preach the Gospel to us. By the God Who wrote the Word and sent His Angel Who was present to confirm His Word. “Come out of the people, in the Name of Jesus Christ”.

The devil HAD TO leave every sick person, every afflicted person. Now the power of God has raised us up to good health and strength again.

Then, from the depths of our heart we said:

"I now accept that Jesus Christ, as a resurrected Son of God, He is my Saviour, He is my King, He is my Healer. I am now healed. I am saved. I will live for Him Who died for me. I’ll rise from here in newness of life, to go forth to do my best Who…for Him Who rose for me. Hallelujah!"

This is the Artesian Water we drink from every day. It’s the only well that comes direct from Heaven that’s flowing all the time. It is self-supporting. Always fresh and clean. It’s never stagnated. It’s living Waters that’s constantly changing, revealing something new to the Bride all the time.

It’s always a bubbling up. We don’t have to pump it, wind it, twist it, or join it. It’s God’s fountain of living Waters, and we can’t imagine drinking anything else.

We hear today, “Our water is the best water you can drink. We have put it through our 7 stage filtering process. Then we have added all the minerals that WE FILTERED OUT back into the water that we think you need to stay hydrated.”

Glory to God, we don’t have to take a chance or question what we’re drinking or what’s been added or filtered. EVERYTHING we need is in our Water. All we have to do is PRESS PLAY and drink as It gushes forth.

What a comfort to drink this Water. We’d go miles out of our way just to drink from It, but we don’t have to. We carry It everywhere we go. In our homes, in our churches, at work, driving in our cars, going for a walk...WE DRINK, AND WE DRINK, AND WE DRINK.

Oh world, come drink from God’s provided Fountain. It’s the ONLY place you don’t have to worry and say, “I pray the Holy Spirit will protect me that I don’t drink anything I shouldn’t.” IT’S ALL PURE VINDICATED WORD FLOWING FROM THE FOUNTAINS OF HEAVEN.

There is no other place for His Bride to drink!

Come Drink with us at our Artesian Well this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear: Broken Cisterns 64-0726E.

Bro. Joseph Branham


Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:

Psalms 36:9
Jeremiah 2:12-13
St. John 3:16
Revelation 13th Chapter